12th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Do not be afraid.
If anyone declares himself for me, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven.

The Spirit of Truth will bear witness to me, says the Lord, and you also will be my witnesses.
You, Lord of Hosts, probe with justice, and scrutinise the loins and heart.
Lord, in your great love, answer me.

God's gift to us is nothing like our sin against him.

Jesus instructs the Twelve about whom they should fear and whom they should not fear. Though the greater danger may seem to be from those who can kill them for acknowledging Jesus, in fact denying Jesus has more dire consequences: God can destroy the faithless in Gehenna. But have confidence: the same God who condemns the unfaithful also protects the faithful. Be not afraid!

Masses for June are opened for booking.         

Bookings will close 30mins prior.

Sunday Mass will be shown on the Parish YouTube Channel

Please go to the homepage of the parish website www.lakesparish.org.au  and click on the YouTube button
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