Dear Parishioners,

This year with Covid-19 restrictions I ask you to be diligent in booking for our Christmas Masses on the Parish Website (

  1. A booking must be made for each person with their name recorded. To assist in booking multiple seats you can save your details on the TryBooking site and then return after you have purchased the first ticket and just change the name after each purchase. Having your contact details will enable NSW Health to contact you and through you, your family who attend the Mass should it be necessary.
  1. It does not matter how old the person is who is attending the Mass, from a newborn to the oldest parishioner a separate booking  MUST be made.
  1. Please arrive early for Mass – do not leave it until the last minute so as to minimise queuing outside the church.
  1. Each church has an increased capacity: the Church of St Joseph can now hold 135 and the Church of St Rose 85. Families who live in the same household may sit together on the red X. If you have children who have left home they are not considered part of your household and must sit socially distant from your household on a separate X. The same for grandparents and other relatives or friends.
  1. After Mass is finished please wipe your seat and the surrounding area in preparation for the next Mass.
  1. When leaving the Church please be aware to keep socially distant outside the church. Use the whole driveway to chat to each other and exchange greetings.
  1. Singing and/or chanting is now allowed! This will bring some joy to our Masses. It is recommended that if you sing you may wish to wear a mask.

I thank you for following all of these instructions and trust we will be able to celebrate the birth of the Lord in a covidsafe environment.

It is hoped to have carols sung just for Mass. Please note there will not be any children oriented Masses as in past years. Hopefully, we can resume these in 2021.

I will ascertain if the Christmas Masses are full to schedule more Masses. Please book early. 

Bookings for Christmas Masses will open at 7pm on Friday the 11th of December.

Christmas Masses           
Bookings will close 1 hour prior to each Mass.

St Rose Church

24th December - Christmas Eve

25th December - Christmas Day
St Joseph Church

24th December - Christmas Eve

25th December - Christmas Day


Please use the trybooking link to book Christmas Mass.

(Rev) Robert Borg
Parish Priest
11 December 2020