Dear Parishioners,


As school holidays draw to a close and life starts to get a little more hectic, let us pray for the safe return of families to our parish.
We have had a number of visitors in our churches over the Easter break and they have commented to me that we have a welcoming community.
That is a tribute to you for the way worship and companionship are shown particularly at the Sunday Eucharist.

Not much more to report this week. I will give a short video message, particularly on the Sacraments in our parish.

May the Risen Lord continue to bless you.

Masses for April

The link for St Rose is :

St Joseph Church

 Bookings will close 30mins prior.

Sunday Mass will be shown on the Parish YouTube Channel

Please go to the homepage of the parish website  and click on the YouTube button. Please subscribe so you know when a new video has been uploaded.

(Rev) Robert Borg
Parish Priest
16 April 2021